What You Should Know About Bone Broth Using Country Ham Aitch Bones

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You probably have heard all the attention that bone broth is being given these days. People are using bones from cows and chickens to simmer for 20 hours or more to get a therapeutic “miracle cure” for whatever ails you. You might be wondering if country ham aitch bones could be used with the same potential health benefits.

What You Should Know About Bone Broth Using Country Ham Aitch Bones

The answer, according to researchers in Spain, is yes! If you are looking at bone broth for potential cardiovascular protective effects, you might be interested in giving country ham aitch bones a try for your next batch of bone broth or even adding them to other bones to get as many health effects as possible.

Here at Hobe’s Country Ham, we aren’t scientists, but we do know how to make amazing aitch bones. And we know they are delicious! Even if they only make you feel better in the moment, that will be well worth it. Boil them up and add your favorite soup beans and other ingredients, and you’ll have a hot, comforting bowl of nourishment that will warm you up from the inside. You can use our aitch bones to season just about anything. Give it a try for upping the flavor of your next batch of pinto beans, boiled cabbage, or stew.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions about our aitch bones or any of the other salt-cured and 90-day aged country ham products that we have to offer. You’ll find our products at a local retailer near you.