What Can You Do with Aitch Bones?

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The aitch bone is the part of the ham bone where the end of the ham meets the center. The most common thing people do with these bones is toss them in the garbage… however, there are many more ways you can use aitch bones to get more use out of the whole country ham.

What Can You Do with Aitch Bones?

Here are a few of the top uses for aitch bones that we love:

  • Natural seasoning: When you boil your aitch bones with whatever dish you’re making, you can get natural seasoning from the bones. You can get the nice, savory flavor of country ham without having to add actual ham to the dish, like pinto beans or boiled cabbage.
  • Healthy bone broth: Another quality way to use your aitch bones is by making healthy bone broth out of them. You can boil the bone to get the most nutrients into your broth and use it for any soup or sauce. Aitch bone broth is known for its cardiovascular protection effects.
  • Treat your dog: If you don’t feel like doing the work of boiling your aitch bones for a tasty dish, you can also use them to treat your dog to a very delicious bone to chew on. Your dog will be sure to love you and enjoy chewing on the bone for hours.

You don’t have to eat through a whole ham to get to an aitch bone. We at Hobe’s Country Ham also sell packaged aitch bones from cured country hams for your convenience.